Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Being Yourself in this New Year 2015

At times life feels like a race. Race to a good school. Race to a good college. Race for a better job. race for the best life. Race to be successful. And yeah, in between there is also a race to find the perfect life partner.

But among  all this, do you know what is the toughest thing in life ???

I guess, you will respond
being successful ?
Or you will say, it is to find your Miss Perfect or Mr. Perfect..

No, it isn't.
To be successful is easy. You need to have clarity of thoughts, know yourself, know your goal, work towards it, make mistakes and on one fine day you will discover that you have passed the benchmarks of Being Successful.

For example, just look back at your own life. Whatever you are doing today, whatever you are earning, whatever relations you have......you must have had thought about this a couple of years back. With time, you will reach your future goals too.

Reverting back to my question, the toughest thing in life is Being Yourself. Yes,to be yourself is the toughest thing in life.

You must be wondering, what makes me say this..here is something for you, to ponder over :

Last night, I went to a party. I saw a little girl, with her group of girls gang, they were all eating the "noodles" . The girl was literally struggling to get the strands in her fork but alas! the poor girl was finding it so difficult. All her energy was shifted to "being good at table manners" , gone was the desire to relish the taste. She looked sad, even though she was very pretty and seemed to belong to a decent family too. If she enjoyed eating the noodles, in a way comfortable to her, hadn't she been a happier person??

Same way, why do we find it more satisfying and relishing to have food with our friends at a roadside "dhabha" ?? Surely the food is simple, friends are cracking jokes, we are eating the way we are most comfortable. In contrast, a formal dinner with the office colleagues, at a five star hotel, feels so artificial. During those dinners we watch the "watch" several times, with a hope it will end up soon.While at the "dhabha" we don't know how time flies.

The reason is simple : Life is much easier, simpler and happier, when we are ourselves. That is the reason, why we love being with our friends more than being with our relatives. We are emotionally programmed such that judgments and "that should be done like this" teaching and preaching, force us to define our lives, according to others. Eat with table manners, talk with full elegance, dance with the beats, live with a defined set of rules, sing as per the lyrics, dress up like the film stars :  live like a programmed robot.

It should be noted, that here I don't intend to say that we should drop all the rules and mannerisms and live like wild beasts, doing whatever we like. But, we should have the courage to follow our heart at times and we should be ourselves at times. This will bring the spark back into lives, otherwise we will be bored of life itself.

Is it really easy for you to go to party, just to update your Facebook status, when in reality you want to go and find some time for your childhood passion of photography??

Do you love being in a relationship, just for a "Status Symbol", when the truth is you want to be a free bird??

Do you find sufficient time, to celebrate your own existence, to dance like no one is watching, to sing like no one is listening and to be yourself like no one is there to judge you???

Life is more enriched, when you smile for yourself
It is fun to shout and sing on the road while driving
It is hilarious to do belly dance without learning it
It is crazy to sing "Brazil...lalalala..." with the local instruments
It is fun to dance as well as sing, on your own beats
and, it is the best thing to be yourself, not always, but whenever you can grab the golden opportunity....

So, don't be with friends and smile, just to have the next "dp" of yours, do something damm crazy with your friends, such that you make up lively memories for the next 10 years....

Be yourself.....Do things for yourself....Smile sing dance and laugh on yourself......because there isn't any need to do everything for others......"you matter the most in your life"

Let the lips sing
Let the eyes roll
Let the body dance
Let the mind be limitless
Let the hair be messy
Let you room be untidy
Let your do to list, be empty
Let yourself live.....the life.......if not always, than at least at times....

Celebrate this New Year 2015, not for your social media friends, but for yourself, with your friends and the way you want it................  

Enjoy the moments, live them and make memories in your hearts.......

Saturday, 31 May 2014

If you think you have nothing in life to feel Gratitude, this will change your perception

Much importance is given to Expressing Gratitude in life. We all have read/heard that the Law of attraction, begins from feeling happy and expressing Gratitude. Expressing Gratitude certainly allows more better things to flow in life.
Experiment it yourself : Give a chocolate to 2 little kids, one smiles and says thanks but the other says there is nothing, i already have. Next time you would love to give a bigger chocolate to the 1st kid but you will certainly escape from giving anything to the second one.
Same is the Universe/the God for us, its our choice what kind of kid we choose to be. Well, many may feel they really can't express Gratitude, they don't know for what to feel the Gratitude.
If you too think you don't have much in life to be grateful, you must read this..

1. You are always taken care of

Did you remember the last time you escaped a big accident? Or do you remember that you make mistakes but still you get the motivation or you just meet someone who inspires you. You may not be perfect for yourself, still you are perfect child of God. Even after numerous blunders he has the love & care for you always. The same way your parents or friends or spouse or may be someone else , is always there with you, all you need is to look around. Love & Be loved!

2. Your Parents

Your parents gave you this life. Your mom truly cared for you while you were in her womb & brought you into this world with the Divine Blessings. With all the care & love you have grown up, to explore your own vistas in life. Your parents not only pass on the heritage of virtues to you, but also inspire you to become what you want.

3. You have food, shelter and clothing

Have you ever wondered what your live would have been if you were born in a family which lacked even the basic necessities.. You may crave for better things, but at least you have something. There are millions people all over the world who don't even get the basic requirements. You much luckier than so many. For once, go and sit beside a road side beggar or just observe his life, standing at a distance, you will realize how lucky you are!!

3. You have a fully functional body

We are in a habit of taking things for granted. That is the major reason why we miss to be grateful for the things, for which we should be highly grateful. You have your five senses : sight, hear, smell, touch & taste ; working perfectly well. You have feet which allow you to travel ; the hands & fingers, which allow you to do almost all your works ; the brain, which makes you the best among all other species on earth ; and the list is truly endless. Just feel the gratitude with every breath!!

4. You can read & write

Wake up from slumber & identify there are numerous success stories around you. You can go to the nearest library or surf the internet & know how a simple guy became Benjamin Franklin or Einstein or Newton. Yes you can read this article or any other piece of writing, to be inspired. You can pen down your own feelings & thoughts. Still the literacy rate is not 100%, there are many who just can't imagine reading & writing. Refer to the factual data.

5. You have the sun, moon, stars & the flowers to enjoy the beauty of nature

The nature has given you so much. You don't even need to go far away to see the marvels of the nature. Be thankful that you live on this mother earth, which is taking care of your recreation along with providing you food & water. Feel the bliss while seeing the flowers, listening the chirping birds in the early morning hours. Experience the nature, while day changes into night & vice-versa, you will realize the vastness & beauty of this creation.
nature your teacher

6. Science & technology

“Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.” ~Albert Einstein
We have this internet, it allows us to be in contact, we share, we connect. Telephones have replaced telegrams. Television & Amusement parks. Computers. Tablets. Fans. Electricity. Cameras to capture the moments. There is so much to feel gratitude to the great minds who discovered & invented the miracles of mystery.
Life is all about the perceptions. These perceptions are our own choices. Every moment in life has something or the other to feel gratitude. But we always see the things which we lack, we don't think about what we already have. There are numerous small blessings in life we all have and these make our life even more meaningful :
  • You reached home safely the last night, you didn't met with an accident
  • You slept peacefully, last night, a civil war didn't broke out in your area
  • You  ate proper food, there wasn't anyone to mix poison in your food
  • You have nice clothes to wear, your clothes are not torn
  • You live in a free world, not in the kingdom of a king, were you could be a slave
  • You can breathe fresh air, there isn't some poisonous gas alien attack on earth
  • A person standing at the grocery store billing counter allowed you to be first
  • The kid next door gave you a beautiful smile
  • You just met a old lady sharing her lessons of life
 As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them - John F. Kennedy
There are truly so many things which collectively make our lives happy. You may be happy because of your spouse. you may be successful because of your teachers. You may be able to smile because you have someone to share your tears. You may be wearing branded clothes because you have money. You may be self satisfied with your job, because your passion has become your profession. You can use your brain, your thoughts to manifest whatever you want. You have immense power.
 Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation - Brian Tracy
Each one of us has something or the other to be grateful, but all must be grateful for the fact we have the gift of life. We have moments of smile. We can express emotions : tears, anger, laugh, shout, cry. We can feel things. Isn't it great to live with the vicissitudes of life. The ups and downs of life make us grow. We can commit mistakes and can laugh at the same years after!!
For sure, there are challenging situations in everyone's life, but still he who feels the gratitude attracts even more reasons to be more grateful in future. Hence it is all about the choices we make.
Just realize that each moment has something to feel the gratitude..